Monday, October 23, 2006

Parents of the Bride

Here are Jack and Joan waiting outside the church for the new Mr. and Mrs. Knight to appear. You can't tell how dreadfully cold it was. Thye make a pretty nice looking couple themselves. Posted by Picasa

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Marissa and Tom's wedding

We were privileged to attend the wedding of Marissa Boyko and Tom Knight on Oct.14th. Marissa was a good friend of Meg's in high school and after. Her parents are special friends of our's . These pictures are especially for Meg who was unable to attend the wedding. Our love and prayers for God's blessing on their marriage. May you always make Christ first in your lives and marriage.  Posted by Picasa

October Snow

I know I am behind in publishing this but what else is new? We awoke October 12th to our first snowfall of the season. It was very beautiful but still early for us and we were grateful it was gone by late afternoon. We did receive about 2 inches throughout the day. Just a teaser to get us ready for winter. Posted by Picasa

Thankfully our fountain was still running so it didn't freeze. Don't know that I've ever seen it with snow on it though.It was a beautiful sight , but not one we wanted to last. Thankfully it was gone by afternoon. Posted by Picasa